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Intent Statement

CoSST Curriculum Vision

At COSST the school curriculum is built on the Convention of the Rights of the Child.  It is designed to build resilience, ambition and respect.  Through our curriculum we aim to:

  • provide every child with an academic education that equips them to succeed at secondary school and beyond;
  • provide every child with relevant, first-hand life experiences to develop keen, enquiring minds and make connections with their community and the wider world;
  • drive forward aspirations for every child and their family by removing barriers to learning;
  • develop our children as confident, resilient, upstanding and active citizens.

CoSST Curriculum Intent

intent graphic.pngWe provide a broad and balanced curriculum based on the National Curriculum which builds knowledge through first hand experiences and enables children to draw on a wide range of opportunities to connect this learning.  We will provide:

  • a curriculum and ethos within our schools based on the Convention of the Rights of the Child to develop independence and personal responsibility
  • specialist teaching provision across a range of subjects to enhance the learning of pupils within the context of our community
  • a range of relevant memorable experiences that pupils can use to make connections to their learning
  • opportunities, through career based learning, for all pupils to raise their aspirations for their future life
  • through targeted provision, a curriculum that is successfully adapted, designed and developed to be ambitious and meet the needs of our pupils with SEND. This will develop their knowledge, skills and ability to apply what they know and what they can do with increasing fluency and independence 


The Willows Primary School

Tayfield Road, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 1BQ