The Willows Primary School is part of the Children of Success Schools Trust. The Trusts Governing structure includes the following committees:
Board of Governors
Finance and General Purposes Committee
Pay Committee
Safeguarding Committee
The Willows School Community Group
Haveley Hey Community School is also a part of the Children of Success Schools Trust.
Details of the Governors who serve on these committees is found on the Trust's website at
These details include their attendance at meetings, pecuniary interests, for ease of information the names of the members of The Willows Governing Committee are shown below.
The Trust website also includes the Instrument of Governance and Scheme of Delegation:
The Willows Primary School Community Group:
Sue Spiteri (Executive Head Teacher)
Richard Dyson (Chair of Trust)
Mark Glynn (Trustee)
Dan Stalford (Board Member)
Charlene Beckett (Parent Governor)
Kylie McCorkell (Staff Governor)
Sean Vickers (Community Governor)